6 Reasons Why Social Work is Beneficial to Health Care

1.Social Workers provide culturally sensitive services

The GLBT population has faced negativity and stigmatization in the face of health care. As a result, certain primary-care clinics have emerged that have combated these negative attitudes. Social workers provide support for these GLBT patients to ensure their well-being. (DiNitto & McNeece, 2012)

2.Social Work is involved in the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention


Each of these levels play a role in maintaining health and preventing any illness. The primary level of health care includes health education as well as encouraging immunizations, and good mental health practices in families. The secondary level deals with screening for early detection as well as checkups. The tertiary level involves preventing an illness from worsening. (Class Lecture 3/1/2016)

3.Social Work is used a model for training for Medical Professionals

The principles of social work are being stressed in the training of healthcare professionals. Such principles include maintaining positive interactions with patients, as well as promoting the highest quality of care. (Class Lecture 3/1/2016)

4.Social Workers act as advocates for patients


As an advocate, a social worker may speak on behalf of the patient. This allows the social worker to help protect and support healthcare consumers. Social workers are able to do so as a result of the position of influence they hold. (Class Lecture 3/1/2016)

5.Oncology Social Work provides great care for the patient

The role of social work in oncology is an important and varied one. This role includes providing psychosocial care, as well as helping the patient and their family deal with the emotions following the diagnosis. Social workers may also hold oncology support groups for those who have been diagnosed. (Class Lecture 3/1/2016)

6.The Department of Veterans Affairs works closely with social workers

Image result for army veterans gif

Social Work Services were established in the VA in 1926. Social workers are considered to provide care for veterans throughout the entire health care process. The focus of the VA has consisted of care for veterans who are homeless and elderly. (DiNitto& McNeece, 2008)


by David Montes


DiNitto, D. M., & McNeece, C. A. (2008). Social Work: Issues and opportunities in a challenging profession. Lyceum Books, (3rd Edition).

Vassello, J. Class Lecture, 3/1/2016.

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