8 Facts on Substance Abuse Social Work- By Gilda Goldental-Stoecker

  1. Clients with drug and alcohol issues are present in nearly all settings of social work. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                                                  200w-4
  2. Drug addiction happens gradually, beginning with experimentation and then moving into more frequent use. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                                        200w
  3. 43% of members of the National Association of Social Work claimed to have screened clients for substance abuse and usage disorders. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)200w-1
  4. In general, social workers receive little training in substance use and abuse. Usually they only receive this training in course units or in an elective within a Social Work program. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                                                     200w-2
  5. Diagnosis of a substance abuse issue can be difficult for a social worker because it is hard to differentiate chemically induced symptoms from mental illness, many clients have dual diagnoses, most clients are in denial about their substance abuse, and many clients have learned to hide or minimize their substance usage to be functioning. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                                                                                            200w-3
  6. The CIWA Scale is used in hospitals and medical settings as part of protocol to assess substance abuse. The CIWA Scale is administered by a social worker or medical professional. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                            200-1
  7. Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral, and Treatment (also known as SBIRT) is an evidence-based public health approach that provides early intervention in treatment for people with substance abuse issues and those at risk of developing problematic substance use. It reduces the frequency and severity of substance abuse, reduces risk of trauma associated with substance abuse, and increases the number of clients to enter substance abuse treatment. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)200w-5
  8. SBIRT has been shown to reduce days staying in a hospital and emergency room visits. This means that hospitals have to spend less money in substance abuse interventions. (Blackboard Lecture Power Point)                                      200

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